The convention aims to be comprehensive and topically diverse and bring together cross-sectional community collaborators engaged in anti-poverty programs. Customized financial literacy topics for various affinity groups since one shoe does not fit all. College students facing student loan debt. Working professionals who need to plan for retirement and estate planning. Seniors who are the target of fraud and financial abuse. Entrepreneurs in their continual quest for access to capital. The middle class who are entangled in debt but nonetheless aspire to wealth and philanthropy. The underbanked low-to-moderate income individuals who dream of becoming middle class.
Core Topics:
● Budgeting, Spending and Saving ● Credit Card and Consumer Debt Management ● Credit Reports, Scoring and Repair ● Identity Theft and Fraud Protection ● Homeownership ● Student Loans ● Business Finances and Access to Capital.
Affinity Group Topics for Specialty Tracks:
● Health and Wellness ● Philanthropy and Community Development ● Professional Workforce Development ● Entrepreneurship and Business Ownership ● Veterans
Plus: Exhibitors ● Roundtable Discussions ● Video Screenings ● Vision boarding ● VIP Receptions ● Post-conference FinancalFEST, an indoor block/dance party!
Dress Code: Business Casual, Fun streetwear and comfortable sneakers.Schedule:
Continental Breakfast | 8 a.m.
Welcome & Opening Ceremonies | 9 a.m.
Concurrent Breakout Sessions | 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Lunch & Exhibitors | 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
FinancialFEST (Indoor Block/Dance Party) | 6-9 p.m.