Saturday April 12, 2025 1:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
This VIP room is dedicated for City of Syracuse, Onondaga County, and New York State-Certified M/WBEs (Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises). Downstate and Upstate M/WBE Leaders representing Syracuse, New York City, Albany, Rochester and Buffalo will serve as hosts throughout the day. The primary purpose of this affinity group is to have a private gathering space where they can engage in strategic networking. The sole confirmed panel as of this writing is "How Chambers of Commerce can help your business grow".

Do you know what a chamber of commerce does, how it's structured and why membership dues are important?

Here are the featured chambers of commerce:
  1. Albany Black Chamber of Commerce & Social Club (ABCC)
  2. The Upstate Minority Economic Alliance (UMEA)
  3. CenterState CEO
  4. The UpState Black Chamber of Commerce (UNYBCC)
avatar for Deshanna C. Wiggins

Deshanna C. Wiggins

CEO, The Albany Black Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
Hailing from Albany, NY, Deshanna C. Wiggins takes pride in her roots as an alumna of the Albany City School District and Clark Atlanta University. Fueled by a deep-seated passion for service, Deshanna is dedicated to making a positive impact on lives and championing equity, diversity... Read More →
Speakers, Presenters, Panelist...
avatar for Jamar D. Clarke

Jamar D. Clarke

Executive Director, Upstate Minority Economic Alliance
avatar for Anthony Gaddy

Anthony Gaddy

Co-Founder & President/CEO, UpState New York Black Chamber of Commerce
Anthony Gaddy co-founded the UpState New York Black Chamber of Commerce in 2018, following a career in media and publishing. He studied economics at the University of Chicago before transferring to the University of Southern California to focus on business, specifically media and... Read More →
avatar for Jessica Abbott

Jessica Abbott

Vice President of Member Engagement, CenterState CEO
Jess Murphy is a seasoned leader with expertise in business development, strategic partnerships, and member engagement. As Vice President of Member Engagement at CenterState CEO, she oversees membership recruitment, onboarding, and engagement while collaborating on government relations... Read More →
Saturday April 12, 2025 1:30pm - 3:00pm EDT
The Oncenter

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